Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller: Trigger loose / doesn't press all the way / register

[Released: 2013] Moving away from its predecessor's PowerPC-based architecture, the Xbox One marks a shift back to the x86 architecture used in the original Xbox; it features an AMD Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) built around the x86-64 instruction set.

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Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller: Trigger loose / doesn't press all the way / register

Post by /xboxone »

I figured I'd post this incase anyone else was having issues with a brand new elite series controller.
Straight out of the box, the left trigger wasn't fully registering on while configuring. You'd press it down fully and the sensitivity bar didnt fill completely or would glitch back and forth as full/not full. Didnt matter if I set the pull to the lowest, middle or highest setting. This would cause me to back out of my scope on MW2, very annoying. When comparing the click to the right trigger, the right was smooth all the way through, while the left trigger was smooth all the way to the last bit, but there was a tiny click at the very end of the pull.

The Fix (so far): I pulled on the lift trigger a bit hard, and held it there. Not too hard, it seems like it would break if you did, but harder than a normal trigger pull. I did this in all height settings and it seems to have fixed the issue. These controllers have a 90 day warranty, so I will just send it in if it still persists, but if your controller is out of warranty, maybe this could help.

submitted by /u/Smail_Mail
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