looking for opinion ... how much would this be worth?

[Released: 2005] As the second console from Microsoft, the XBOX 360 completely sold out upon release in all regions except in Japan. About 33% of all consoles became defective making it the most unreliable console ever created.

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looking for opinion ... how much would this be worth?

Post by /xB360 »

i was given a xbox 360 S a while back and i played it about 20 hours worth but its just been sitting since. between my PC, my Quest and my Switch - i'm not using it and my kids aren't interested in "that old stuff" ... cheeky punks. If I were to bundle it for sale, I'd like a bit of better information about what it should be worth approximately so asking the community here for input.
I have the console (dated 2010), a 3rd party wired controller I bought for it (the ones I was given were na-a-a-a-sty) plus a set of games (pic attached unless I screwed that up). I also just happened to have one of those Western Digital hard drives that could be firmware-updated so I did that so I didnt have to rely on the internal 4GB.
I was thinking it would be about $50 but i dont want to short-change myself, thus asking for opinions. Should it be a bundle, or should some of the games be seperated due to what they are? To be clear, I'm not trying to sell it here - i know that's in the rules, i'll post it elsewhere if I decide to do it. i'm just trying to gather info about what I should be able to reasonably get nowadays.
Thanks for your time reading this.

submitted by /u/TojoJuuni
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