Play through pokemon emerald both on handheld and pc?

[Released: 1989] The Game Boy is Nintendo's second handheld system following the Game & Watch series. Despite many other technologically superior handheld consoles introduced during its lifetime, the Game Boy was a tremendous success.

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Play through pokemon emerald both on handheld and pc?

Post by /gameboy »

I am looking for a way to play though Emerald (and maybe other pokemon games) both on my PC, so I can stream on discord, and also on handheld, so I can play on the go or away from my pc.
I was looking at the GB operator, which looks promising, but apparently it has issues with syncing the RTC in emerald. I was also looking at the analogue pocket or one of the GBA mods with HDMI out, but I think I would still need a capture card or something to play it in a window on my pc.
Alternatively, it seems possible to use an emulator both on PC and a phone with some cloud service to sync save files. I have no idea if the RTC would work with this, and I'm not a huge fan of on-screen controls.
What do you think the best way to do this is?

submitted by /u/---Max
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