Anyone able to get NHL '99 to work?

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Anyone able to get NHL '99 to work?

Post by /psxclassic »

Hey all, I'm running Project Eris on my PSC and I boot all games through retroarch but I keep having issues with NHL '99. The game boots up fine and I can even get into a match but after a few minutes the game freezes and loops the same fragment of audio over and over. I don't have this issue with other games and I've tried different Roms and even running on the stock emulator but I still have the same issue. Thought I'd ask if anyone on here is playing NHL '99 without any issues as I'd like to run a full season of the game. Could this be an issue related to project Eris?
As I said, I haven't had this problem with any other game so it could just be that NHL '99 is unstable for whatever reason. If anyone knows of a fix for this that would be great. Thanks!

submitted by /u/FlannelBadger91
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