Trying to remember a PSX game

[Released: 1994] Sony entered into an agreement with Nintendo to develop a CD-ROM attachment, for the Super Nintendo. Due to contractual problems it was never released, and instead, a modified version was introduced by Sony called the PlayStation.

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Trying to remember a PSX game

Post by /playstation »

This is an absolute long shot but I remember playing a PSX game and the only two things I can remember is that the main character - who I think was human - could change into an different animals - one I remember was a wolf (or wolf like creature) and pretty sure it was a dark blue fur. I remember being in a forest and you had to jump across a chasm but I could never make it and that is as far as I could go.
The other thing I remember is the camera seemed to be top-down or close too.
I keep thinking about this game lately but I cannot remember the name of it. Does it sound familiar?

submitted by /u/DoughnutDrake
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