Coming back to the PSP

[Released: 2004] The PSP is the only handheld console to use an optical disc format as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen and robust multi-media capabilities.

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Coming back to the PSP

Post by /psp »

I’ve got a switch and a DS, but man oh man do I love my PSP. From the classic retro games like the EA replay game, Genesis collection, and Midway arcade classics, to Tony Hawks Pro Skater, and God Of War. I also really love all the UMD movies and shows. I specifically love watching the shows and films while camping. Got some classic PS1 games on the hard drive... it’s just the best handheld around. Switch would take the cake if it were pocket sized and played shows/films.

submitted by /u/Imastarwars89
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