Updating Dashboard on hardmodded box

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Updating Dashboard on hardmodded box

Post by /xbox »

Hey guys, first post here so bear with me. Last week I picked up a hardmodded xbox to play on an old CRT I found in a dumpster. The xbox has got AvaLaunch 0.48.something running on it. Removed clock capacitor, resoldered the power delivery points, replaced thermal paste. Installed emustation and FTP'ed my favourite xbox games to the HDD. All good so far, having a great time.
Thing is, I also have some DVD-movies laying around that I want to watch. I tried it out, but it didn't work (stuck on 'Please wait while launching DVD-movie'). Google told me the DVD-drive is probably busted. Replaced the drive with a harvested one which I know to be functional. Still didn't work. So after some more googling I found out that AvaLaunch only introduced the ability to play DVD's in version 0.49.3. I downloaded the 0.49.3 files but I'm unsure how to install them. Do I just FTP over the .xbe, .xml files and replace the old ones, or will I **** **** up that way? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/WhatsPoppinFools
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