Would turning on/off an OG Xbox by plugging/unplugging it damage it over time?

[Released: 2001] The Xbox was Microsoft's first video game console after collaborating with Sega to port Windows CE to the Dreamcast console and was the first console offered by an American company after the Atari Jaguar stopped sales in 1996.

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Would turning on/off an OG Xbox by plugging/unplugging it damage it over time?

Post by /xbox »

It turns on the moment you plug it in and the only way for it to turn off is to unplug it. The power button does nothing but the eject button works.
I don’t remember exactly which model it is (it’s been in storage in my closet for a couple years) but I did open it up back then to remove the clock capacitor. I didn’t see any leakage or anything like that.
I think it got damaged from a lightning storm or something. I can remember these issues happening after a storm. Also, the VCR I had it connected to also turns on when you plug it in. Pressing the power button will turn it off but in a few minutes it will turn back on. Aside from that quirk, the VCR has been working fine these past few years.
I used to have the Xbox connected to one of those extension chords that one would usually use with Christmas lights, that had an on/off switch. I stopped using it because I wasn’t sure if I was inadvertently damaging it.
Are my concerns warranted or does it not matter?

submitted by /u/Turtlerburglar
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