Neo Geo CDZ power supply confusion

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Neo Geo CDZ power supply confusion

Post by /neogeo »

Hi. Ive been looking for an UK plug NGCD/Z power supply for a long while (as i simply dont have enough space on my shelf to use the original psu together with a 100v converter).
Firstly i have read that NGCD psus are compatible with NGCDZ (but not other way around)
Then i have found an information that HP 8220e CD drive power supplies are compatible with NGCD and managed to buy one.
Unfortunately, it seems that at the end of the 8220e plug is pentagon shaped while my NGCDZ has a tiny bit smaller T-shaped socket.
My first question is - will it really work if i force the plug in (i think i could force it in, but obviously if pins are misaligned then i would break them)?

submitted by /u/Dinth
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