Xash3d Custom Games

[Released: 2019] The PlayStation Classic is a dedicated video game console by Sony Interactive Entertainment that emulates games originally released on its 1994 PlayStation console.

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Xash3d Custom Games

Post by /psxclassic »

During the Summer I have been looking into Half-life mods to put on the Playstation Classic after I went through the DOOM mods I've been interested in. After finding a couple of mods to test out, I first tried to have each mod in their own xash3d launcher folder so they’d be visible on the carousel, just like the DOOM WADS. That only loaded "Half-life". I even had both the mod and the Valve folder in the xash directory.
One night, I saw "Custom Game" on the menu of "Half-life". So, I put my mods all on the same Xash3D launcher folder. They're both under "Custom Game". I was able to load the games to their boot screens, but "new game" cannot be selected.
The games are "The Hunger Trilogy" and "Wanted!". I was able to get "The Hunger Trilogy" installed and running on Steam before transferring those folders to my PSC. Does anyone have any solutions? I already know about the short video from a few years ago when the Xash3D mod was introduced, and someone put Blue Shift on it. That was exactly what I did with the mods I chose.

submitted by /u/CriscoM90
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