Trying to set up HDMI timings, so I can setup the config txt for my Pi3 to output 224p 60hz at 15khz horizontal, or 254p 53.2

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Trying to set up HDMI timings, so I can setup the config txt for my Pi3 to output 224p 60hz at 15khz horizontal, or 254p 53.2

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Tried asking this on the Retropie, but wasn't getting much luck, since it is such a specific question trying to understand HDMI timings. So I thought I would try asking the Pi experts here. Keep in mind, I am a linux noob, and am impressed I have gotten as far as I have in the last 3 months.
So I got a VGA666 hat that I figured out how to edit the config.txt to enable the hat, and figured out how to output whatever VGA resolutions (1920x1080, 800x600, etc).
I then took it to the next level and set up the settings:
then added specific standard definition timings that I got from places like RetroRGB and what not, to output 240p to my PVM:
hdmi_timings=320 1 20 29 35 224 1 10 14 16 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1
Worked great. However the pixel integer scaling was off with the games I was playing through Retropie on Emulationstation.
I then downloaded and installed the RGB-Pi OS image from, which is designed to output to a specific resolution and refresh rate native to the game you are playing. Installed that to a micro SD card, edited the config.txt on that to output to the VGA666, and SUCCESS! Aside from a warning that I'm not using an official RGB-Pi hat, it boots to the GUI, and every arcade, SNES, Genesis, etc game I have tried boots up in that game's native resolution and refresh rate, and looks IDENTICAL to my official hardware or arcade JAMMA board (SF2, MK1, MK3).
So now what I am trying to do is go back to my Retropie SD card, and adjust the HDMI timings I mentioned above in the config file to output the Pi's resolution and refresh rate to one of my game's native resolutions/refresh rates when booting up. Reason I'm trying to do this on my Retropie SD card is cause I got the edited to auto boot directly to a game, and it is awesome.
When looking for various setting files in the RGB-Pi SD card, I did find various files that specify what the timings are, which here are some examples:
;Name, H pixels, Scanlines, Frame Rate, H position, H zoom,
;V position, H Front Porch, H Sync, H Back Porch, V Sync, H Frequency.
snes60 1920 240 60.00 0 0 0 48 192 240 5 15734
mk2 1920 254 53.204948 0 0 0 48 192 240 5 15734
sf2 1920 224 60.000000 0 0 0 48 192 240 5 15734
So what I am trying to figure out is how to apply this information to edit this:
hdmi_timings=320 1 20 29 35 224 1 10 14 16 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1
I understand that this is a super resolution, and I would replace the 320 with the 1920, but that's as far as I got.

submitted by /u/ITCHYisSylar
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