[Question] How to Setup DNS Server to Forward ExpressVPN DNS

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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[Question] How to Setup DNS Server to Forward ExpressVPN DNS

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hello, i succeeded installing expressvpn and forwarding all traffic through gateway. IP changes but my problem now is that my dns is leaking using raspberry pi ip address as my gateway and dns routing to my router which is understandable. If i put in expressvpn current dns at my computer, then all is good. But if i disconnect and connect again and expressvpn changes i lose connection until i update dns on computer.
I was looking into making raspberry pi into a dns server, but ive never done that. I see tutorials on how to add your own dns server, but the problem is i dont want to set my own i want to forward the same dns that is showing on "/etc/resolv.conf" which gets generated by expressvpn
How would i be able to set a DNS Server that forwards resolv.conf nameservers set by expressvpn?
Also to start expressvpn by running "expressvpn connect" is there a way to automate that? I tried writing that on "/etc/rc.local" but it doesnt work I am really a noob when it comes to raspberry pi, so i appreciate any little time you take reading my post. Thank you for the help

submitted by /u/Sensitive-Ad-41
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