Need help BT + Pulseaudio + Kodi + RPIOS

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Need help BT + Pulseaudio + Kodi + RPIOS

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I have a Raspberry pi 3B+ with Kodi 19.4 Matrix installed
I have setup pulseaudio (pulseaudio 14.2), it's started (pulseaudio --start)
$ ps aux | grep pulseaudio $ pi 848 0.0 3.0 422144 22624 ? S start I use bluetoothctl for connecting to my headset, and it's connected, I even made a little bash script to connect to the MAC address and to disconnect it.
I can't get KODI to work with a bluetooth headset (Just for you to know, I made it to work, but idk how tho, I just connected, disconnected and then start KODI in random order and I did get it to work, but now, I just can't)
When KODI is started, in audio inputs, there is my TV, with HDMI but no PULSE or Bluetooth ... So I believe that it's running with ALSA and not PULSE but when I force it through an env variable by editing the systemmd service and adding Environment = "KODI_AE_SINK=PULSE" when KODI starts there is just no more inputs and the option is greyed out.
I don't have any clue of what to do, I know that it's a pain to get it to work, so if someone has an idea :D

submitted by /u/Zeldri
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