Hostname webpage doesn't match IP

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Hostname webpage doesn't match IP

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I'm working on an Intranet of things project and was updating some images. I notice that when I type in the hostname, one of the pages differs from the page when I navigate from the ip address.
I did a dns flush to no success and I've changed code on the index.html page as a debug and the page of interest on both versions change based on the code change. Any idea why the image isn't the changing? They're reading from the same directory.
I opened up my raspberry pi (I'm using the Raspberry Pi Zero W) on rdp and the image is the right one (ip address), but the hostname page keeps showing the old image. I've tried git pull as well.
I tried attaching some images of the html and code for maybe some more detail. The first link is when I navigate to the page via the Hostname (i.e. Http://Page) while the second is when I navigate to it via ip.
I'm just beginning so the hierarchy is pretty small. The directories are just here Index.html /htm/Controls.html

I'm sure its some rookie mistake, but I'm running out of ideas. Researching just suggests reboot or similar methods and ive tried those as well.

submitted by /u/KirbyAteVash
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