Cannot connect to Pi 4 SMB client except...

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Cannot connect to Pi 4 SMB client except...

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I am using a Pi4 in a project that allows for the Pi to act as a repository of PS2 games for a modded console. I have the PS2 set up and it sees the games I have on the Pi plus they run on the PS2. There is just one problem: I cannot connect to the SMB share that keeps this working EXCEPT on my Apple devices.
As strange as it may sound I cannot connect to the SMB share on my Fedora desktop, my roommates Windows desktop, a Kubuntu laptop, our Synology NAS, or an OpenSUSE VM. However, I can connect to the SMB share on my MacBook, my iPhone, and my iPad. To add to this confusing, to me at least, mess I can't ping the Pi on my MacBook. If I want to add an ISO to the Share I need to use my Mac basically because of the Files app on iOS being limited. This is not an ideal solution though. Did I do something wrong? I followed this guide to set up the Pi4.

submitted by /u/DankeBrutus
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