Question about Re-Adding games later

[Released: 2019] The Sega Genesis Mini is a dedicated video game console modeled on Sega's Genesis in miniature. The Mini emulates the original console's 16-bit hardware and includes 40 pre-installed games.

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Super Saiyan
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Joined: Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:32 am

Question about Re-Adding games later

Post by /MiniGenesisMods »

Ok here's my situation, I modded my Genesis mini with Hakchi2 a year or so ago. The computer I originally modded it from crashed afterwards (from other issues, not from Hakchi) I've downloaded Hakchi and even modded other minis since on my laptop. My question is, is there a way to have Hakchi2 recognize my already modded mini and the games its already got on it. When ever I open Hakchi it always shows the games list from the last mini I modded, not the one I plug in afterwards. Im just wanting to update a few of the ROMS that have newer versions, I dont want to reflash the whole thing and start over again. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

submitted by /u/AngleCultural6569
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