Cross-compiling for Raspberry Pi on Ubuntu (boost install problem)

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Cross-compiling for Raspberry Pi on Ubuntu (boost install problem)

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hi all!
I'm trying to cross-compile an application on Ubuntu for use on Raspberry Pi. I already have a build script that works on my Debian box. Sadly, I'm stuck with using Ubuntu on our build server (TeamCity) and multiple dependencies require libc.
While Debian has no issues with this, trying to install anything requiring libc (and possibly some other dependencies down the line) on Ubuntu results in apt trying to replace the system's libc:amd64 with libc:armhf. This is obviously Badâ„¢.
Docker is not an option in this case either, the build machine is already running as a docker container. None of the complete toolchains floating around don't include all the libraries I need.
Other than recompiling everything I need as a static library, building a completely new toolchain, or just spinning up an extra build server using Debian instead, is there anything else I can do and am missing? Would moving my Pi 4 to aarch64 help in any way, as in is it armhf in particular that's broken on Ubuntu?
Also, in case it matters for any potential method, the project is written in C++ (C++11 is a minimum I need, but I'd like to have C++20 features available in the compiler if at all possible) and uses cmake as a build system.

submitted by /u/onyx1701
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