Best type 1 hypervisor for Pi 4B 8Gb?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Best type 1 hypervisor for Pi 4B 8Gb?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I'm looking into running some type 1 hypervisor system on my pi. So far I've learned my options are Pimox, ESXi, Xvisor and lastly "just plain KVM".
I'm looking for something with best efficiency in mind and some decent UX / good documentation where it won't take me half a day manually editing config files just to get one VM running. (Of course, stability / reliability are desired qualities as well - no use of good UX or efficiency if it'll be littered with bugs)
I'd be likely most comfortable with ESXi, but that's just a bit of a speculation of mine as I've already had some experiences with VMware workstation.
For anyone that would like to suggest higher type (like) hypervisors, such as docker or containerd: the type of tak I'm trying to achieve world be needlessly hard and complicated using given approaches. Not impossible, but nightmare to set up and maintain.
Personal experiences are very welcome! Thanks!

submitted by /u/Msprg
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