using eink as display for raspberry pi

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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using eink as display for raspberry pi

Post by /RaspberryPi »

so, for a while now i have been thinking of how could i use eink screen as a display for my pc (mostly for fun but also to help my eyes a bit hopefully). after going through many dead ends i propably found a way to make this work (far from ideal but whatever)
i would use raspberry pi (normal raspberries are sold out everywhere but i managed to find r400. also the raspberry would ssh to my main pc) which would make a screenshot and that screenshot would get processed so it could be displayed by that screen. this could be either triggered automatically every second or so (depending on screen refresh rate) or manually where you would bind one key to refresh it (it would be kinda like game iron lungs). using it might be pain in the ass but i will see. hopefully it would be good enough for something like writing or coding
i havent worked with eink screen yet so idk what things you can do with it but if you can control that black and white flashing during screen refresh it could be set so it refreshes on like every fifth render to make it more usable by increasing refresh rate
what do you think? could this be possible? if you see any space for improvement lemme know. also i guess i could have just hacked some ebook. would this raspberry solution have any benefit over that ebook one? i will look into that too and recoinsider if this is even worth it

submitted by /u/Zajlordg
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