RPI400 Display output issues

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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RPI400 Display output issues

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So I hadn't used my Pi 400 for about half a year due to some stuff from my personal life. Things have calmed back down now and I've been trying to use my 400 again. After flashing a new copy of Manjaro on to a SD Card It wouldn't give me any output past a early spot of the boot process. So I thought that was odd but I decided to use Pi OS since that's all official and normally works just fine which that got booting to the Welcome to Pi OS Splash screen where it would then crap out. Now seeing that it still somewhat booted given the fact the caps lock and num lock keys gave the expected feedback I used RPI Imager to image Pi OS with my Wi-Fi credentials and whatnot for SSH to work. Which it does work. I can use raspi-config and I've even managed to install neofetch using apt. But obviously SSH isn't a good replacement for a screen when the point is to try and have a media-hub/desktop hybrid. HDMI safe mode on config.txt didn't solve any issues either. Completely lost with this.

submitted by /u/themacintoshnerd
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