Anyone know how to convert SBGGR10_CSI2P raw pictures to JPEG or PNG?

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Anyone know how to convert SBGGR10_CSI2P raw pictures to JPEG or PNG?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I'm working on a project with a Pi 4 (4GB) and the new Arducam Hawkeye 64MP camera in an attempt to make a program that can, under certain conditions, take multiple photos in rapid succession. Currently, the Hawkeye camera only operates with a specially modified version of the libcamera-apps library (installation instructions in the manual). The libcamera-still command saves after every picture is taken, and the delay in save time creates a 1-2sec delay between shots, making it unsuitable for my goal of a burst of shots, but the libcamera-raw can take pictures in rapid succession, so I'm using that.
The raw files appear to always be created in the SBGGR10_CSI2P format, but I haven't yet been able to find a library that can convert them to jpeg or png aside from the save functions in the original source code (that is, _not_ the Arducam special edition source code for this camera, which I haven't been able to find at all). I spend several hours today in the libcamera-apps source code, experimenting and compiling according to this documentation, but I still haven't been able to figure out how the source code deconstructs this specific format of RAW file and turns it into jpeg or png. Google searches for this format yield few results, most of them being matches in the same source code that I'm having trouble modifying.
Does anyone here have much experience in source code converting raw files into other formats? I've found a few tutorials for other formats, but I haven't yet been able to generalize that knowledge for this format. Knowledge would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/amdreallyfast
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