Raspberry Pi Zero W not able to connect

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Raspberry Pi Zero W not able to connect

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I've been using a Raspberry Pi Zero W for a while now as a DNS with Pi-Hole. It has worked flawlessly for the past year and even with some minor issues I've been able to fix them all. This pi-hole project is my first time using a raspberry pi or even linux at all on a daily home usage/appliance project.
Yesterday I decided to upgrade my raspberry pi from Debian Buster to Bullseye. I followed this guide for that: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-upgrad ... debian-11/
After it was done downloading and removing the files that weren't necessary I followed it up with the last command of the guide which is to reboot the Pi.
However I cannot ssh into it anymore, using the ip to gain access to the pi hole gui also doesn't work. I can't ping my Pi but I can still see that it does it's job. There are still no ads on my favorite cnn and the guardian ad infested **** hole websites. But I can't find where it resides on my network. I use Ubiquiti as my network and just like how I would be able to see every device and it's operating system and etc. My Pi is listed as offline, and there is no device using the same IP as my Pi.
I feel like I am at a wall rn because I don't know how to continue troubleshooting.

submitted by /u/No_Wafer4871
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