OSMC or LibreELEC or Raspbian w/ Kodi on it? Lamenting the lack of support for emulators and steamlink on OSMC...

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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OSMC or LibreELEC or Raspbian w/ Kodi on it? Lamenting the lack of support for emulators and steamlink on OSMC...

Post by /RaspberryPi »

So I've got a pi4 video box mounted to a solid state drive for my TV to watch movies and shows since the Vizio firmware is trash (If anyone has suggestions on rooting a Vizio I'm all ears). Older versions of OSMC used to support a bunch of emulators as add-ons and at one point I had the pi beta for steamplay on there and it let me play games in my living room.
I'd love to get this setup going again but it looks like steamlink isn't in the Buster repos (I can't install from apt) and I can't install anything that works from the .deb package.
I'm not sure that LibreELEC will have enough juice to install other packages or if it sits on a whole OS. It seems like it's a Kodi box and nothing more without the ability to add packages.
Is the way to go here just to install piOS then install Kodi and emulators and steamlink? Is there a clever way to configure Kodi so the launchers are there and is there a way to have it boot into Kodi so that its just the user friendly UI (for the other people using my TV). I realize this is the point of OSMC but I'm having trouble acquiring software.
Future plans include shifting the files to an old PC converted into a NAS, and I'm wondering if OSMC will serve as a media controller or if piOS will be a better bet should I decide to go in a plex/jellyfin direction.

submitted by /u/Jewseephish
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