Pi to Pi communication options

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Pi to Pi communication options

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hey everyone, hoping to get some suggestions here from those more familiar with Pi to Pi communication than I am.
I have two Raspberry Pis that I'd like to have communicate. I just need them to send strings back and forth. One is a Pi 4 B and one is a Zero 2W. I'm SSHing into them from my PC using MobaXTerm.
The most common method I've seen is connecting them directly with an Ethernet cable. However, I already have the Pis connected to a wired network via Ethernet, and I need to keep that in place so I can SSH into the Pis from my PC. Can't use the wireless network because my school is pretty restrictive. Am I able to use some type of USB cable? What I saw online seemed to suggest this wouldn't work.
I was also trying the UART protocol but I still want to be able to SSH into the Pis and run my python scripts to log the data they are sending back and forth. I'm not sure if the UART protocol would work since the tutorial I'm looking at required another terminal emulator (minicom). I didn't know if that would interfere with MobaXTerm.
The Pis are physically next to each other so maybe Bluetooth would work, but I am hoping there is some simple I can do since they are both on the same wired network.
I'm very new to Raspberry Pi and networking, so I'm trying my best with what I can find online! Let me know if you have any questions or need more information. Thank you!

submitted by /u/radioarchitect
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