Cast video + music to Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Cast video + music to Raspberry Pi?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I'm running a RP4 connected to a low res CRT (640x480) just for the sake of playing old media.
My goal is to stream different content (YT videos, MP4 files, music, etc) as seamlessly as possible, without any physical input or remoting into it. Ideally, I would want to straight up cast stuff from other devices (PC, tablet, mobile) and it should "just work", switching to the necessary app/interface.
As far as audio is concerned, using Spotify Connect through Volumio seems like the way to go, haven't tried it yet though.
On the video side, I figured I could leverage casting from YouTube using the Chromecast (DIAL?) protocol. This however has proven to be a nightmare. I can't find any reliable way of doing it. Everything I find is either outdated, extremely finicky, not-really-the-thing-I'm-looking-for, or just doesn't work. And I've tried:
I also thought about using Kodi but I'm getting "ERROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting", probably because of the low resolution, and that's another can of worms.
Is anybody doing something like this? What are some good projects I can look into? Is there a more straightforward way of doing it? Thanks!

submitted by /u/fandelost
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