[QUESTION] Powering the raspberry PI over TV's USB

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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[QUESTION] Powering the raspberry PI over TV's USB

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Hey !
I will recently be moving into my first apartment and will get a TV of my own for the first time.
I'm planning on using my Raspberry PI 4 B as a "Smart TV OS" : Having it displaying a nice idle screen when not watching anything, and launching playback from Netflix, Youtube, Spotify, Etc, from a nice web interface I'll be programming.
I would like to have the raspberry as the default input for my TV so I can simply forget about it, but I figured out turning it off and on every time I'd like to use my TV does not seem very nice, and having it on 24/7 even when I'm not using the TV at all seems a little overkill.
I figured out I could probably simply plug the raspberry PI into an USB port in my TV, so when the TV is on, the raspberry can start receiving power and automatically boot on my custom web interface using a script.
Would that work ? I know raspberry PIs can be more power intensive than the average USB peripherals, and many websites are warning the users that plugging it into a source without enough power could corrupt the data, etc.
Thanks for your answers !
TLDR; Can I power my raspberry PI using the USB port of a TV ?

submitted by /u/P4C0_
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