monmon -- Monitor your monitoring with a Raspberry Pi (or, annoy yourself with a flashing light whenever you have issues with

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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monmon -- Monitor your monitoring with a Raspberry Pi (or, annoy yourself with a flashing light whenever you have issues with

Post by /RaspberryPi »

What is monmon and what does it do?
monmon is a simple Raspberry Pi-based monitoring tool that keeps an eye on your existing monitoring systems and lets you know if any of your nodes need attention. If there's an issue, the screen attached to your Raspberry Pi will start to flash. Optionally, you can connect an HDMI display to the Pi and have it show the monmon status page.
monmon connects to your existing monitoring systems (see the list of Supported Providers below), and checks to see if there are any issues, anywhere, if the there are, the annoying flashing begins! Did one of your cron jobs fail to run? FLASH Is one of your servers having a significant issue with RAM? FLASH Is one of your external web servers down? FLASH It's both annoying and functional!
That's it, that's the entire point of monmon, to tell you if any of your existing monitoring systems is reporting an issue, in a very simple but useful manner.
Why did you create monmon?
I recently switched to Monit to keep tabs on my servers, and although I really like the idea of M/Monit, a paid product that lets you monitor all of your Monit instances in one place (as well as giving you extended functionality), I just couldn't justify the cost. So I set out to create my own super lightweight M/Monit alternative, one that would simply alert me of any issues with my Monit instances, and then I could click though on the monmon status page to the Monit Web UI and see what the actual issue is. Not long after, monmon was born.
Since then I've added support for both and UptimeRobot, and I'll be adding other monitoring systems as time goes on.
See monmon in action
Ignore the video quality, it's absolutely awful!
View the rest of the README

submitted by /u/gregLTS
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