issues connecting pi pico to windows computer

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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issues connecting pi pico to windows computer

Post by /RaspberryPi »

Every article and video tutorial I have seen has the same steps to connect a pi pico to your pc, first press on the BOOTSEL button, keep holding it down and connect the pico to the computer using a micro usb cable, then it should open up it's storage. However I get no light on the pico, no storage on the computer, no signal of life. Is the pico that I ordered defective? What can I do to check if it is or isn't? Do I need to use raspberry pi os to use it and program on it?
I found an article saying that there are 2 types of micro usb cables, so my guess is that the one I am using is the one that they refer to as "the bad one" which cannot pass power and data, how can I check which mirco usb cable is which and is there a name for it, so that I can maybe go look for one I can buy

submitted by /u/FaresFilms
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