MLB Scoreboard Project | 6 Screens

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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MLB Scoreboard Project | 6 Screens

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I am working on a project based on the MLB LED Scoreboard project.

My goal is to have 6 Adafruit RGB LED 64 x 32 - 4mm screens. Each screen will display a different MLB game score. They will all be mounted on a board with the wires and PI's hidden on the back. I also plan to use the Adafruit RGB Matrix HAT.

I would like to have these wired together as nicely as possible, which leads me to my 2 issues.

Issue 1:
  • I do not want to have 6 power bricks. How can I wire all of this together to gave one power source?

Issue 2:
  • Not as major. If anyone happens to have any suggestions on how I can do this without having 6 Pis that would be appreciated.

I appreciate any help anyone can give on this project. Not the best with wiring everything. If you can think of any way that this project can be improved please share! :)

submitted by /u/Mattvm98
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