Do I need a Raspberry Pi 4 or a Raspberry Pi pico?

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Do I need a Raspberry Pi 4 or a Raspberry Pi pico?

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I am very new to this, and am doing my research. I found that a Raspberry Pi 4 is quite costly, which isn't an issue, I just thought that for the things that I want to do, I might not need to get a Raspberry Pi 4 board. I believe its like a full computer.
The things I want to do are electrical creations, nothing to do with software (as in, I am not trying to create something to detect what I do on my pc or anything like that), some examples of what I want to do are:
- using motors to move things
- Making small cars
- making light detectors that will close a LED if there is light around the sensor
- making sound detectors that do a similar thing

Let me be clear, I know I have to program all of this on a raspberry pi software (which I have on a VM) but all I want to do things that involve motors and lights and such. Do I need a Raspberry Pi 4? Or can I accomplish these projects with something like a Raspberry Pi Pico and a breadboard and other items?

submitted by /u/FaresFilms
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