Having trouble creating Plex server

The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

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Having trouble creating Plex server

Post by /RaspberryPi »

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 that I've been trying to turn into a Plex server all night and various things keep going wrong.
I downloaded Pi imager and installed Ubuntu, set it up, all was fine but after updating the system and opening Firefox/Plex, my screen loses connection and goes blank. I'll do a hard restart, it'll work and then at a random point of time while setting up Plex, the screen will go blank again.
I've tried following other instructions of just installing the Pi OS and using the terminal to set everything up but right from the start, I'll copy a command and get an error.
It just seems like anything I try just fails instantly without doing anything. Is there some basic step that I'm missing? Is there some all-mighty instructions to follow outside of youtube videos?

submitted by /u/TotallyNotAnnMiller
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