Looking for a name of shooter

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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Looking for a name of shooter

Post by /genesis »

Hello guys, I hope I can find some help here as I am desperatelly looking for game me and my brothers used to play about 22yrs ago on Sega Megadrive 2.
Whole gameview is from above perspective. Kind of like gta. Game beggins in city where you appear on sidewalk , when you go to the road there is honking car, comming again and again.Well basically in this game you could switch between 3 playable characters. One is capable of beating people and is faster, second can shoot and so on. I remember after city level you enter sewers and then I remember there was certain level where you were riding boat, shooting and jumping over stuff. Thats all I can remember. If someone knows what this jewel is let me know.We bought it in street sale and I remember it was yellow cartridge game.

submitted by /u/Olafx
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