Metal Slug 5 Issues on MVS CBOX

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Metal Slug 5 Issues on MVS CBOX

Post by /neogeo »

Hey everyone, so I got my hands on a Metal Slug 5 MVS cart a couple months back and to my horror when I tried to play it on my CBOX I couldn't even get to the title screen without the CBOX throwing up an error. I did a cart check using the Universe Bios and sure enough a couple of the ROM banks came back as 'NG' instead of 'OK'. I cleaned the PCBs thoroughly and used Deoxit on them but just the result was the same each time. So I figured I just had a busted copy and gave up. For what it's worth I was able to access the entire soundtrack from the Universe Bios, so at least some data was able to be read.
Well just recently I managed to snag another Metal Slug 5 cartridge and to my utter stupefaction it has identical issues to the first cart! Even the results from the Universe Bios cart check are the same! So now I'm wondering if the issue has something to do with the CBOX rather than the carts. My CBOX has had no problems with the other two dozen or so MVS cartridges I've tried on it, so I could just be incredibly unlucky with the carts I got. Does anyone here have any information about this? Is there a known incompatibility between some MV-1C boards and later games like Metal Slug 5? Any advice is appreciated!
Here's a gallery of the PCBs for the first cart as well as the cart check results:

submitted by /u/coatlesscarl
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