Crummy sounding audio coming from recently purchased Genesis.

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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Crummy sounding audio coming from recently purchased Genesis.

Post by /genesis »

Hey all.
I finally made the plunge and picked up a used Sega Genesis from Facebook Marketplace for $60. The seller was cool and he included two controllers, a couple Sonic games, video cable, and an AC adapter. Though when I got home and plugged it in, the audio sounds absolutely terrible. I grew up playing Genesis as a kid and remember the audio sounding a lot better on the one my parents bought brand new back in the day. On this one I bought, it just sounds washed out and is very noisy to the point of being unbearable. I don't know a whole lot about the many peculiarities of these older consoles or what to look out for, but what could be causing my unit to have terrible sound? Furthermore, is there any way to fix this issue?

submitted by /u/coolbrennan
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