does anyone else prefer Sonic 3 more than S3&k?

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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does anyone else prefer Sonic 3 more than S3&k?

Post by /genesis »

After about 15 years of playing Sonic 3 and Sonic3&k my opinion has changed over the years. I used to always play through the full S3+K game, never just doing S3 alone.
But as of the like the past year i much rather just play through S3 without the SnK game attached. I find the original S3 levels are near perfect imo. Not one level is a chore to get through. All have excellent design, great music, look amazing, and have fun gameplay through out. However i can't say the same with SnK levels.
Mushroom hill is ok. But flying battery zone is a chore to get through. Just not a very fun level, the graphics aren't very appealing, honestly i get bored on this level. Then the sand polis stage is my least favorite , that one is a real chore to get through. Very boring to me and didn't care for the ghost gimmick they did. Didn't care for the art design of it either. Just not my kind of sonic level
Lava reef is pretty good. And the stage after it is fun. The last level has grown on me, but still mehh. Boss fight is pretty cool especially with all the emeralds.
Now I'm not saying SnK is a bad game. It's still a well made game and can be enjoyable. It's just that next to the sonic 3 levels they just fall flat. Imo atleast. Curious if anyone else has an opinion on this?

submitted by /u/RicRoc88
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