Games Similar To Faery Tale Adventure?

[Released: 1988] The Sega Genesis was Sega's most successful console; though Sega has never released a total sales figure quote. Several add-ons were created including the Sega CD and Sega 32X which extended its capabilities.

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Games Similar To Faery Tale Adventure?

Post by /genesis »

I was skeptical based on reviews I had read of Faery Tale Adventure, but ended up grabbing a used copy and playing it, and I'm really loving it. I particularly enjoy how huge the map is and the openness of the game (the game doesn't hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do). What I dislike is that there are like 5 different enemies, 5 different weapons, and 5 different items. So lack of variety I guess. But does anyone know of any other games for the genesis that have a similar open world, preferably an RPG? I've played the phantasy star games and beyond oasis, and those were pretty big, but fairly linear. Go here, do that, come back. I'm kinda looking for something closer to Dark Sun.

submitted by /u/KataKataBijaksana
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