Fixes for input lag on HD TV with Sega Master system?

[Released: 1985] One of the most unusual features of the Sega Master System is its dual media inputs: one cartridge slot and one card slot. The card slot accepted small cards about the size of a credit card.

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Fixes for input lag on HD TV with Sega Master system?

Post by /markiiisystem »

I just dug out my old SMS from when I was a kid, wanting to play it with my 13 YO kid...but when I plugged in R-Type and Shinobi, I had lag issues that made the controls quite difficult. I am using the cable that connects to the coaxial cable input in the back of my TV. I took apart and cleaned the controller, still have the control issues (both with the d-pad and with buttons) so I figure it might be input lag due to AV issues.
any suggestions on connecting the SMS to a new HD TV?

submitted by /u/mkonrad75
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