Putting TTX2s in my previously stripped Vewlix Cs

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Putting TTX2s in my previously stripped Vewlix Cs

Post by Arcade-Projects »

Hey there,

Lurker of about three months here with a question I'm absolutely at a loss trying to solve. I'm an absolute noob, have been trying to make sense of the forums and guides, and well... am still stuck. I have so many questions. Hope y'all don't mind.

Long story short I have the chance to buy THIS TTX2 and its sister, both verified working and with multidrives, for a good deal.

I have two Vewlix C's that were stripped of all control wiring and I/Os before I bought them (and now I know why). The video and audio cables are still there but I'm currently running:

Panel in each cab >> brook boards>>>USB>>PS4

The PS4 is then split with HDMI and audio running to both cabs. It's not ideal but they were my first and I was impatient! It's time to put the xtype soul back in 'em!

So with no I/O in either Vewlix C, what should I be looking to do? From what I can tell I can't just use the brook board even if it is a modified TTX2 multi with additional Mame build right? I would LOVE if it were that easy. From what I've learned, please tell me if I'm wrong, I can go official/official fast, Sega v2, or Capcom v2. I *think* both boxes have Fast but I'd rather stick with a more common one like the Cap.

Then what? JAMMA/JVS has to be wired to power and then to the panel itself. Can I use any Jamma+ harness?

I think that's it. I've been researching this for the last 4 hours. It's time to hop offline and actually play a bit. Thanks for reading and any help you may provide.

Image Drachaus Image

Edit: to clarify the OTHER boards and cables all still there. Just missing the I/Os

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