Best way to play TurboGrafx/PC-Engine games, especially CD ones?

The CD-ROM² is an add-on attachment for the PC Engine that was released in Japan in 1988 and allows the core versions of the console to play PC Engine games in CD-ROM format in addition to standard HuCards. This made the PC Engine the first video game console to use CD-ROMs as a storage media.

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Best way to play TurboGrafx/PC-Engine games, especially CD ones?

Post by /turboG16 »

I'm interested in getting into the PC-Engine, but since there's a lot of options to play these games, I'm unsure where exactly to start. This is the only console of this time that I'm interested in that I haven't gotten into much yet. In particular, I'm especially interested in playing Japanese CD-based games (and I'm in the US, if that matters).
Is real hardware too much of a pain here and/or too costly? I've imported other consoles before, but never dealt with add-ons or anything like that before, which would be a requirement here. I'm also a bit worried that anything cool might be too expensive or that parts could fail.
I know the mini exists, but apparently it's still not hacked for some reason? I would have guess that would've happened days after launch, but guess not...?
Otherwise, I don't really know how emulation fairs. Were any of these games playable on 3DS? How about PC emulators. I do prefer owning physical copies of games, because it helps me stay motivated to play, but I'd still like to know.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/pichuscute
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