Lindbergh Yellow / Afterburner Freezing Problems

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Lindbergh Yellow / Afterburner Freezing Problems

Post by Arcade-Projects »

I been here for a week and just joined up as there seems to be quite a bit of knowledge on the SEGA Lindbergh hardware which may help me figure out what is happening to our newish machine.

YouTube Video

The video is me explaining what is going on

Day 1 - the machine had issues with setup, BIOS corruption so using regular PC knowledge I replaced only one of the batteries.
We noted the game would play but then while playing we would lock up in the clouds.

Day 3-5 .. we noticed the machine was not firing missiles correctly, this seems to be erratic.

Week or so later had another review - Swapped the X and Y axis at the joystick connector, could not find a 'invert axis' option.

One Weekend we could play fine for hours, then 2 and half days later it started locking up again in the usual places.

It's mainly TWO identical places, pn the loading screen where it say's 'PLEASE WAIT' and never comes of it and in the sky on level one, it seems to lock up and keep flying and all control are working.

There is a 'cluck' noise half a second before it starts the freeze, the audio does go into a loop.

Steps taken:
I have moved the sound card and the IO board to different slots in the computer.
I have cleaned out the machine / wiped connector edges.

NExt step is to try and reinstall the HDD, I have bought a matching drive but understand there might be protection (ATA Locked?) and other things to think about.

I DO NOT Hae the Re-install DVD, is ANYONE kind enough to make an ISO / IMG and send a message, I am willing to paypal you some time for doing this.

Also, will any external DVD Drive on a USB lead work? how about IDE?

Sorry for the questions, we are getting a little desperate to get it up and running now

Dave R


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